You can make the difference!

To A Good Use.

About Us

A2Z Charity Organisation is born at 2009

as a registered welfare, non-religious, non-profit, non-governmental, Malaysia based international organization dedicated to serve the poor and needy irrespective people. We focus on empowering communities, developing social awareness programmed and community based projects, aim for long-term sustainable development and see ourselves as partners to worldwide and the people we are serving. 


Jeff Lai

A [Now] 2 Z [Wow] 

After walking through the challenging recovery process from being a colon cancer patient in 1999 who had received medical treatments, motivational counselling and all sorts of help from not only those whom I know but also from those voluntary helpers whom I didn’t know, I realized that the vulnerable groups in every corner of the society are in need of helps. With a strong passion telling me to set my lifetime goal to help others, I have committed to myself to set an institution that could bring helps to the community. As a result, the A2Z Charity Organisation was established in 2009! Along the way, we feel so proud of this establishment as everyone can contribute to the grassroots through their respective donations, their donations give great helps to the poor families, vagrants, orphanages, homes for the elderly etc.

What is the meaning behind “A2Z”? It’s one of my own philosophies that our life must learn from the Ant’s attitude to the Zebra’s attitude. This is the spirit of A2Z, it teaches us to be persistent in order to achieve excellences in the community. Along the process of establishing this organisation, I’ve learnt to give hope, love and compassion. We are working hard to pass on this belief through our beloved organisation, and I believe that with the continued support from the community through the Grace of God, our future will never end.

Ever since the establishment in 2009, we have never stopped carrying out numerous fund-raising activities for the vulnerable groups, physical experience activities, fund-raising campaigns for the orphanages & old folk’s homes, fund-raising activities and events for our charitable foundation etc. The contribution made by each individual in the past was indeed quite limited, but we have managed to spend every single cent efficiently on helping the disadvantaged groups.

Today, the world is encountering the COVID-19 pandemic crisis where people’s lives are falling into the depth of depression due to the worldwide economic downturn. As unemployment rate and number of the disadvantaged groups keep on increasing, we are receiving requests for help almost every day. Looking at this critical situation, we understand that a sustainable model has to be firmed up or otherwise we will never be capable to give helps to these increasing disadvantaged groups. Therefore, we have made our goal to start a new charitable fund-raising plan in order to set up a million dollars charitable foundation so that our mission can be carried out continuously. 

Along the 12 years that we have walked through, we are grateful to have generous supports from many business organizations and individuals. I’d like to take this opportunity to urge you giving your great support to our love action, where more lives with new hope will be seen under your precious contribution. I always believe that everyone who did something good will affect others to follow. Charity is the power of public love, let us work together to help the disadvantaged and together we could build a better future!

Establishing A2Z Charity Organisation is the greatest passion of my life, and all the achievements that create new hopes and smiles shall always include your contribution too. 

Jeff Lai – February 18, 2021


NOW is Future